Jembatan Tol Cisomang Diupayakan Tidak Dirombak Ulang
01.08TEMPO.CO, Bandung - Anggota Komite Keselamatan Jembatan dan Terowongan Jalan Raya yang dibentuk oleh Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, Masyhur Irsyam mengatakan, kondisi Jembatan Cisomang di ruas tol Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi (Purbaleunyi) masih bisa diperbaiki. “Targetnya dilakukan perkuatan untuk memenuhi kriteria teknis seperti keadaan semula,” ujar pakar geoteknik dari Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan ITB itu, Ahad, 1 Januari 2017.
Menurut Masyhur, tahapnya mencakup langkah cepat untuk perbaikan atau perkuatan jembatan sementara. Adapun perbaikan atau perkuatan secara permanen, ditujukan pada fondasi maupun pilar yang mengalami pergeseran.
Sementara ini, kata Masyhur, langkah cepat penanganan antara lain, pengamatan kondisi pilar jembatan dan fondasi secara ekstra ketat, penguatan pilar, pemasangan alat-alat instrumentasi mekanika tanah seperti inclinometer dan piezometer, serta pemindaian profil tanah di sekitarnya.
“Konstruksi diatas tanah clay shale masalah utamanya biasanya adalah pergerakan tanah. Di bidang Rekayasa Geoteknik, kalau kita ketemu Clay Shale seperti ketemu penyakit kanker,” katanya. Kondisi yang serupa misalnya pada ruas jalan tol lain seperti Semarang-Bawen dan di daerah Hambalang, Bogor.
Merombak ulang jembatan, kata dia, merupakan pilihan yang dihindari karena berdampak besar pada jalur lalu lintas dan bukan pilihan yang optimal.
Rencananya, pada awal Januari ini, komite bersama Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, Jasa Marga dan Badan Pengelola Jalan Tol akan mengadakan pertemuan untuk membahas hasil pengamatan dan penyelidikan tanah dan beton guna mempertajam solusi perbaikan dan perkuatan.
Direktur Jembatan, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, Hedy Rahadian pada Selasa lalu menyebutkan, Jembatan Cisomang di KM 100+700 mengalami pergeseran maksimum 57 sentimeter, tepatnya di pilar 2. Jembatan itu berada di wilayah Desa Tenjolaut, Kecamatan Cikalong Wetan, Kabupaten Bandung Barat.
Pergeseran itu diketahui setelah PT Jasa Marga melaporkan adanya retakan di salah satu tiang Jembatan Cisomang. Akibatnya, pengguna akses dibatasi hanya untuk golongan I atau mobil hingga bus. “Rencana perbaikan selama tiga bulan, ditargetkan bisa juga kurang untuk menaikkan sefety factor sesuai persyaratan teknis,” kata Masyhur.
Dia menepis anggapan bahwa insiden jembatan tol tersebut akibat perencanaan pembangunan dan pelaksanaan konstrukai yang kurang memadai. Semua kaidah teknis, baik dari kaidah rekayasa geoteknik maupun dari kaidah rekayasa struktur, sudah dipenuhi saat pembangunan sehingga memenuhi kriteria desain. Selain itu, menurut Masyhur, saat pelaksanaan pun sudah disupervisi oleh konsultan supervisi.
Riau Pulp and Paper Jadi Produsen Kertas Terbesar Kedua di Dunia Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper memastikan sebagai perusahaan kertas berskala terbesar di dunia. Hal tersebut direalisasikan setelah perseroan meresmikan pabrik ketiganya di Pangkalan Kerinci, Kabupaten Pelalawan Riau.
“Pabrik baru ini sudah mulai diujicoba dan diharakan mulai berproduksi Januari tahun depan,” kata Asisten Manajer Komunikasi PT RAPP, Rabu (16/11/2016).
Ia mengatakan, sebelumnya RAPP sudah memiliki dua pabrik kertas dengan total kapasitas produksi 3.500 ton per hari atau sekitar 850 ribu ton per tahun.
Dengan selesainya pembangunan pabrik ketiga, kapasitas produksi kertas di pabrik milik RAPP nantinya akan mencapai 1,1 juta ton per tahun. Angka ini menjadikan mereka sebagai produsen kertas terbesar kedua di dunia setelah International Paper, produsen kertas asal Amerika Serikat.
Dari pabrik yang mereka miliki saat ini, RAPP memproduksi tiga jenis kertas, yakni customer roll, cut size, dan folio. Tiga jenis kertas itu sebagian dipakai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri dengan mereka Paper One, dan sebagian lain diekspor ke 75 negara, antara lain Jepang, Australia, negara-negara di Asia Pasifik, dan Timur Tengah.
Budhi mengatakan, selain memproduksi kertas, RAPP juga menghasilkan pulp atau bubur kertas yang produksinya mencapai 1,2 juta ton per tahun. Angka ini menjadikan RAPP sebagai produsen pulp terbesar ke-9 di dunia. “Secara persentase, RAPP men-supply sekitar 7 persen kebutuhan pulp di dunia,” kata Budhi.
Dari produksi 1,2 juta ton pulp itu, RAPP memakai sekitar 20 persen untuk memproduksi kertas di pabrik milik mereka sendiri. Sementara sebagian besar lainnya diekspor ke lebih dari 20 negara, terutamanya ke Tiongkok.
“Ke depannya kami akan fokus di sektor hilirisasi, sehingga kemungkinan produksi pulp itu akan lebih banyak dimanfaatkan di pabrik kertas milik RAPP sendiri,” ujar Budhi Firmansyah.
Sumber berita :
GE Manfaatkan Teknologi Digital Industri Blok Migas
19.35Ia berpendapat dengan digitalisasi industri minyak dan gas, operator juga dapat mengetahui kondisi 'kesehatan' alat-alat yang dimiliki kapan pun dan di mana pun. Dia berkeinginan Indonesia Timur dapat menjadi daerah digitalisasi.
"Jadi mudah-mudahan Indonesia, Indonesia Timur bisa (menggunakan digital industri)," kata Iwan.
Dikatakannya, pada saat ini, GE lebih memilih untuk meningkatkan produktivitas sumur-sumur yang sudah ada ketimbang membuka sumur baru. Apalagi di tengah harga minyak rendah yang dapat menyebabkan perusahaan minyak mengalami kerugian.
Peningkatan produktivitas sumur minyak pun dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan industri teknologi digital. Salah satunya berupa pompa electric dengan daya analisis canggih. Dengan pompa tersebut pengangkatan minyak di sumur dilakukan secara otomatis setelah penuh.
23.17A clever approach to measuring, displaying and storing five of the most vital condition indicators of rotating equipment in hazardous areas.
- ATEX zone 1 rated
- Designed for industrial use (IP 65)
- Built-in sensors
- VIBCODE compatible
- Easy to use 3-key operation
- Compatible with the OMNITREND software for route-based data collection
- ATEX zone 1 rated
- Designed for industrial use (IP 65)
- Built-in sensors
- VIBCODE compatible
- Easy to use 3-key operation
- Compatible with the OMNITREND software for route-based data collection
The ATEX zone 1 rated VIBROTIP EX data collector allows you to monitor your rotating equipment in explosive environments such as refineries and chemical plants.Five most-wanted measurements and an intrinsic save data collector all-in-one!VIBRO
TIP EX offers a clever approach to measuring, displaying and storing five of the most vital indicators of rotating equipment condition.
Imagine measuring vibration level, bearing condition (Shock Pulse method), cavitation, rotation speed and temperature with only one instrument!Together with the OMNITREND PC software VIBROTIP EX provides detailed analysis and reporting capabilities on the PC. For route-based data collection, VIBROTIP EX can be programmed with all the required measurement tasks from the OMNITREND database.
The patented Tandem-Piezo dual function accelerometer built into the instrument is ideal for both vibration severity readings as well as reliable shock pulse measurement for diagnosis of bearing condition and pump cavitation. The contoured tip minimizes contact resonance.As with all our data collectors and vibration analyzers, you will benefit from free software and firmware updates, and low ownership cost.
23.15VIBSCANNER EX is our proven data collector and vibration analyzer made for work in hazardous environments
- ATEX zone 1 rated
- Intuitive one-hand joystick operation
- Integrated intrinsically safe sensors for vibration, speed and temperature measurements
- Advanced vibration analysis functions: FFT spectrum, time wave form and recording
- Shockproof and waterproof housing (IP65)
- Compatible with VIBCODE transducer for automatic measurement identification
- Optional: Field balancing
- ATEX zone 1 rated
- Intuitive one-hand joystick operation
- Integrated intrinsically safe sensors for vibration, speed and temperature measurements
- Advanced vibration analysis functions: FFT spectrum, time wave form and recording
- Shockproof and waterproof housing (IP65)
- Compatible with VIBCODE transducer for automatic measurement identification
- Optional: Field balancing
Especially in industries such as Petrochemicals or Oil and Gas, it is critical to prevent unplanned shutdowns and machine failures as it may cause extensive damage due to the explosive nature of these environments.
From data collection, vibration analysis and machine troubleshooting through to field balancing, VIBSCANNER EX is the all-rounder handheld data collector and vibration analyzer for hazardous environments. Its ATEX zone 1 rating allows you to take advantage of the versatile functionalities of the proven VIBSCANNER in explosive environmental conditions.
With OMNITREND, the universal PRUFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring software platform, measurements can be stored and analyzed. Diagnosis reports can be generated, measurement tasks can be pre-configured and uploaded to the device for route-based data collection.As with all our data collectors and vibration analyzers, you will benefit from free software and firmware updates, and low ownership cost.
23.12Do you need a high-end intrinsically safe vibration analyzer for the use in explosive environments? Then VIBXPERT EX is the right choice!
- ATEX zone 1 rated
- Intuitive joystick operation (left and right handed)
- Fast data collection with "trending spectra"
- Rugged aluminum housing
- Compatible with VIBCODE sensor
- Highest resolution for in-depth analysis
- Interface to protection systems for additional analysis
VIBXPERT EX is a high performance, intrinsically save, fully featured data collector, vibration analyzer and field balancer for easy condition monitoring and troubleshooting of rotating equipment in explosive environments such as petrochemical plants, refineries, offshore oil rigs, etc.VIBXPERT EX collects field data including vibration information, bearing condition, inspection and process data and seamlessly integrates with the PRUFTECHNIK universal OMNITREND software platform.
- ATEX zone 1 rated
- Intuitive joystick operation (left and right handed)
- Fast data collection with "trending spectra"
- Rugged aluminum housing
- Compatible with VIBCODE sensor
- Highest resolution for in-depth analysis
- Interface to protection systems for additional analysis
VIBXPERT EX is a high performance, intrinsically save, fully featured data collector, vibration analyzer and field balancer for easy condition monitoring and troubleshooting of rotating equipment in explosive environments such as petrochemical plants, refineries, offshore oil rigs, etc.VIBXPERT EX collects field data including vibration information, bearing condition, inspection and process data and seamlessly integrates with the PRUFTECHNIK universal OMNITREND software platform.
The modular firmware structure allows you to upgrade the VIBXPERT EX from a route data collector to a full-blown troubleshooting device with advanced features such as coast down/run-up measurements, event recording, ODS & modal analysis and cross-channel phase measurement.It is also possible to connect the VIBXPERT EX to protection systems via the buffered outputs. This enables you to perform additional analysis such as shaft vibration, shaft centerline plots or orbits e.g. on turbines, compressors and other turbomachinery.
With the OMNITREND, the universal PRUFTECHNIK Condition Monitoring software platform, measurements can be stored and analyzed, diagnosis reports can be generated and measurement tasks can be pre-configured and uploaded to the device for route based data collection.As with all our data collectors and vibration analyzers, you will benefit from free software and firmware updates, and low ownership cost.
23.06With 5 built-in measurement functions, VIBROTIP is the right partner for your condition-based maintenance needs.
- 5 measurements in one instrument
- Interface for external accelerometer and temperature probe
- VIBCODE compatible
- Route-based data collection with the OMNITREND software
- Simple 3-key operation
- Rugged design for industrial usage
- Intrinsically safe version available
- 5 measurements in one instrument
- Interface for external accelerometer and temperature probe
- VIBCODE compatible
- Route-based data collection with the OMNITREND software
- Simple 3-key operation
- Rugged design for industrial usage
- Intrinsically safe version available
VIBROTIP is an extremely rugged (IP65) and easy-to-use handheld data collector for the five key indicators of machine condition:vibration, temperature, RPM, bearing condition and cavitation.The built-in patented Tandem-Piezo accelerometer allows you to measure machine vibration according to ISO 10816, bearing condition and cavitation using the Shock Pulse method with only one sensor.
Use the patented VIBCODE sensor to eliminate mix-ups of measurement location and type.The OMNITREND PC software automatically archives trend data, issues warnings and alarms, and programs VIBROTIP with all the required measurements for route-based data collection.As with all our data collectors and vibration analyzers, you will benefit from free software and firmware updates, and low ownership cost.